Saturday, June 27, 2009


Last week I decided I wanted to take some pictures of a sunset with my new camera. So to prepare for the "photo shoot" I did a little research online. I found out what settings will allow my camera to take the best pictures. I also purchased a tripod. You see you need to be able to hold the camera very still in order to capture the shot. Well...I wanted to arrive in ample time before the sunset so I could be prepared. So...I arrived at Sam Lewis Park at 8pm (35 minutes before sunset). I took my camera and lenses and tripod out. I set them up. While I was setting up I also saw some hot air balloons float over...that was VERY cool!

By the time I had everything set up there was still 20 minutes before the sun would set. However the sky was pretty. I wanted to start taking pictures, however the sun was shining directly into the camera and really I couldn't get any good pictures. (I had read that would be the case.) So I had to wait. Then the sun dropped behind the clouds. The momentary drop behind the clouds allowed me to take some shots. They were beautiful. I played with the settings to find the best conditions.

The sun started to fall below the clouds and again...too much sun. My eyes could enjoy the shot, but I was unable to "capture" the beauty. So I just sat down and "enjoyed" it. I took it all in. The sky became a brilliant canvas for me to watch. I was enjoying so much.

Finally the sun dipped behind the horizon. Now was the time to begin to shoot the colorful sky. I was able to get some beautiful pictures. The pictures you see on the blog were the result of my evening.

As I was enjoying this time of sunset photography, I realized that this experience is very much like my spiritual life. There are times that I prepare to spend time with God. I gather everything I need (my journal, my Bible, a book I am reading, a candle...etc). I sit and I am ready to spend time with God. What I discover is that in order to truly experience the beauty of this time it requires "waiting". I sit and wait. This waiting looks like me "preparing myself" by listening to some music, or maybe praying, or maybe lighting a candle and just become fully present. As I sit there, I begin to experience an amazing intimiacy with Jesus. Sometimes I do not even have the ability to put words in my journal about the experience. I must just enjoy it and be very present. As I sit and I am silent, I find that I can eventually put words in my journal to record the experience.

So have you sat silently and spent time just "being present?"


deAnn Roe said...

Lisa, beautiful images and beautiful marriage of your creative life and spiritual life.
Your eyes are open wide. Awesomeness...
Love, deAnn

deb said...


Very nice. Your pictures are breathtaking. Thank you....
