You know in the life of a teacher...snow days play a VERY important part. They often bring a "PAUSE" during a time when school is crazy.
I got an unexpected PAUSE last week. I had to take a week off last week because I got the FLU. I have never had the flu. I usually get the flu shot, but missed it this year (trust me I will be intentional not to do that next year.) I was so very sick. The only thing I did was sleep, check email for work, sleep, watch TV (not much to choose here because we don't have cable). What I did do was think about how busy my life is. So busy that I have little time to just enjoy. Now this is something I realized several weeks ago. I also know that I am working toward removing things from my plate. Unfortunately I can't do a dump.
What I am thinking about is how do I protect my time? How do I not over-commit? The thought of protecting my time causes all kinds of feelings to rise up inside me. I have part of me that says I am being selfish by protecting my time. I have another part of me that says protecting my time will allow me to be my best.
Why do we feel we have to be everything to everyone? Is it because we think we are indispensable and no one else will do what we do? I would love to know what you think...
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